Arch. Nikolai Simeonov
Arch. Georgi Savov
„А-three Architecture and Realisations“ OOD (LLC) was established in 1994 in the city of Sofia. Currently, the company is managed by Architect Nikolay Simeonov and Architect Georgi Savov.
„А-three Architecture and Realisations“ OOD (LLC) is a specialised company for complex management of investment designs, such as:
We carry out pre-investment and
feasibility studies;
We prepare design documentation foe
all disciplines in all phases of
the investment design.
We organise and carry out tenders for selection of contractors and suppliers.
We compile budget plans and linear and financial schedules for execution.
We exercise designer supervision for all disciplines during the construction;
We manage the construction process and exercise investor supervision;
We represent the Investor/the Contracting authority before the state, municipal and control bodies.
We organise and participate in acceptance commissions for obtaining building permits;
We control the required activities relating to the performance bonds after the completion of the construction.
„А-three Architecture and Realisations“ OOD (LLC) is a member of the Bulgarian Association of Architects and Engineers Consultants /BAAEC/ – the only full member of the European Federation of Engineers – Consultants /FIDIC and EFCA/ for Bulgaria.
We are members of the Chamber of the Architects in Bulgaria.
We are members of the Union of the Architects in Bulgaria.
We are qualified for work on FIDIC standards and for their application in the specific conditions of the Bulgarian legislation and regulations.
We hold license No. РК-0710/30.05.2017 issued by the Minister of Regional development and Public Works to assess the conformity of investment designs and/or to exercise construction supervision under Art. 166, Para. 2 of the SPA.
Our activities are certified according to ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.